Re-Establishing the Rhythms of Everyday Life In Recovery

One of the trickiest things about being in recovery is getting accustomed to the rhythms of everyday life.  Whether that means waking up at the same time each morning or finding a job, seemingly easy actions can be some of the most difficult parts of your day.  Finding a job can be particularly tough if you have gone without a job for a while and if you plan on being open about your current recovery status.  However, with the magic of the Internet, there are many different side jobs you can find that will help you keep your head above water - and may just help you find fulfillment, as well.

Spend time with a canine companion

If you’re worried about maintaining a regular rhythm in your new side job, look for a job like pet boarding and dog walking that will allow you to set your own hours.  These kinds of job can be perfect for you if you enjoy spending time with animals each day, and often clients will also request that you take time to play with or groom their dogs.  If you have been having trouble getting through your withdrawal, a job revolving around animals may be a particularly good idea.  Scientific research has shown that spending time petting or otherwise interacting with friendly animals helps to reduce stress while providing feelings of unconditional love.  Plus, getting to know the dogs on your route can improve your self worth by making you feel valued and needed. 

If you have the space at home, dog boarding can also be a fruitful way of spending your time.  When people go out of town, sometimes they are not able to hire someone to stop by and check in on their dog several times a day.  If this happens, they will often look around for someone to board their dog while they’re away.  This can be an ideal side gig if you have enough space for a dog, don’t have any other pets and enjoy canine company.  The best thing about dog boarding is that, because it takes place at your house, you are free to also take on another project while you watch the dog. 

Learn a new skill on your computer

As long as you have a laptop, you can carry your side gigs with you wherever you go (particularly if you are house or dog sitting).  For creatively inclined people, you may want to pick up some freelance work as a graphic designer, writer, or website developer.  This can be a great time to get into the business if you’ve always been curious and never had the time to learn - just do some research beforehand on basic techniques and start off with a simpler project.  There are plenty of ways to learn, including online video series, sets of articles, and the classic trial by fire approach.  If you are interested, pick an approach and dive in.

Use the skills you already have

If you don’t feel like learning an entirely new marketable skill, why not market the skills you already have?  For instance, if you are creatively talented, you can teach music or art lessons.  Thanks to video chatting services, you don’t even necessarily have to be in the same room as your pupils - organize a video call and teach remotely, saving you time and money!   You may also be skilled with your hands - in that case, there is always a market for handcrafted goods on online marketplaces like Etsy.

By getting back into the rhythm of everyday life with a side job, you will help speed up your recovery process and improve your overall well-being.  From creative construction to home services, there are plenty of fulfilling ways to earn a living.

Rufus Carter
Rufus Carter has been in recovery for 9 years. For the past 6 years, he has worked as a personal trainer. His website,, organizes resources for anyone in recovery who is trying to choose their career path. With the site, he hopes to help those in recovery create fulfilling and lucrative careers.
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